The optimum time to photograph a newborn is between 5 -14 days
At this age, They are more likely to curlup in "womb-like" poses. stay asleep longer. don't mind being unclothed.

Congratulation if you are welcome a new member to your family soon!
Welcome to A&I Signature Photography Solution. We're glad to see you here!
We are specialize in newborn photography and capturing all your little one’s precious details when they are as tiny and sleepy as possible.
We will share and let you know and more understand about our Newborn photography info.

Why a Newborn Session is so Important
New life is an amazing thing to witness. New life that came from us, though, always seems to affect us on a much deeper level. our newborn baby is going to change dramatically in the next few month. Let’s us take this most precious moment for you.
Babies are so small only once, but you will keep memories forever

How long the session will take?
Our typical newborn session will last 2 - 4 hours. Depands on how many poses you required and corporative of your baby. Some babies may take a little bit longer to settle, so do keep your mine that your session duration will be dependent on factor.
Babies are so small only once, but you will keep memories forever.
Photographing newborns is our life's work and it's our absolute passion!
Our newborn obsession is with light, love, joy and capturing pure newborns in their very first days of life.

What Is The Best Age For A Newborn Photo Shoot?
Most newborns are scheduled anywhere from 5-14 days after the birth. The timeframe usually varies based on the baby weight and progression. A baby born around 2.2-2.7kg may be scheduled around the 14th day, whereas a baby born 3.2-3.8 or 4kg, may be scheduled around 8-12 days. We do suggest newborns be scheduled within the first two weeks.

If i forgot to schedule a newborn session is it too late?
It is never too late to have your baby photographed. It is important to manage expectations of a session. Curly sleepy newborn photos are never guaranteed but usually achieved with babies under 2 weeks. A 6 week baby may sleep during a session and have awake time, but may not be able to curl into womb positions or want to be wrapped. We do believe that generally babies can be successfully photographed at any age.

"A new baby is like a beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.”
We LOVE creating images that will last lifetime . As we always like to say: Baby is like art. We are creating art through our EYES and from our HEART.
“The memories we make with our family is everything.”
Being a twin is like being born with a best friend.

Twins baby
Newborn Collection


There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed our lives in ways we never expected. Making sure that I can provide a clean, safe space for your baby is more important now than ever before. While we still don’t know what our “new normal” will look like, I am putting extra measures in place on top of what we already do to sanitize the studio for our littlest clients and their families.
Please know that I am taking this virus very seriously, as my job requires me to work with babies that have very delicate immune systems. I also have two children at home myself and I am doing everything I can to prevent bringing any germs home to them.
Your baby’s safety has always been and continues to be my number one concern. While studio cleanliness has always been a priority, I will be taking extra steps for your health as well as my own. Below you will find an updated list of precautions and studio policies that will be in place as we move forward.
If anyone in your household is feeling sick or has a fever 7 days prior to your session, we will need to reschedule.
Likewise, if I or someone in my household become sick I will contact you as soon as possible to reschedule.
Frequent mopping with a disinfectant cleaner.
All surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant wipes, including door handles.
Washing and/or sanitizing of all blankets and props after each session.
We have also received both doses of the Covid vaccine.
Hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing hand wipes will be available for your use at various spots throughout the studio.
Only immediate family from the same household will be able to attend sessions. (Parents and siblings.) If siblings are not included in any portraits, I ask that you please make alternate arrangements for them so that we can minimize exposure.
I will be wearing a mask during newborn sessions for the foreseeable future.
I will sanitize my hands before and after your session, as well as multiple times during a newborn session.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via whatapps. Thank you for your understanding and for helping me keep my studio a safe place for my littlest clients as well as myself.